HoloSuit: body tracking four-piece suit for sports, fitness and more

Holosuit is a full immersion, bi-directional, wireless, body suit for virtual reality control. It comes from an Indian-based startup consisting of more than a dozen AR/VR, IoT, and Robotics experts.
The gizmo allows you to visualise your entire body through 36 motion tracking sensors, nine haptic feedback points (dispersed across both arms, legs, and all ten fingers), and six buttons. It even uses haptic feedback to send information back to the user. You can use HoloSuit indoors or out, on its own or while wearing VR hardware. The gizmo can be connected to and used with all kinds of devices, including PCs and smartphones.
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The suits tracks your every move and can be used for sports, healthcare, education, entertainment or industrial operations. Say you’re interested in golf. You can use the VR headset and play golf in the comfort of your living room. Or go to an actual golf course while wearing the HoloSuit. It will store all your body motion so you can review your game in the VR back at home. App developers in yoga and acrobatics have expressed interest in using HoloSuit for tracking full body motion.
“VR and AR are becoming more immersive and natural as resolution and field-of-view increase while latency decreases. But the controller remains the Achilles heel of mixed reality, with cumbersome and unnatural handheld devices only tracking your hand movement in a limited range,” said Harsha Kikkeri, CEO of HoloSuit.
“We designed HoloSuit from the ground up to provide an unparalleled immersive, full-body and bidirectional AR/VR/MR experience. HoloSuit goes well beyond gaming and is so powerful that it can be utilized for real-life, mission-critical situations such as education, neuro-rehab, combat training, surgery, and even filmmaking.”
You can opt for the full four-piece suit which starts at $999. The other option is to go just for the jacket, pants or gloves. There are different sizes to choose from and everything is machine washable. It should go without saying, usual warnings about crowdfunded projects apply.
Price: $99 and up
Funding open:
$50,345 raised out of $50,000 goal
21 days to go
Estimated delivery: November 2018
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