Diamond: stylish and collapsible, ultra-portable bike helmet
We’ve written before about smart cycling helmets. There are some with lights built in, others that keep tabs on your heart rate, and those that can send an SOS in cases of emergency. Diamond is not really a smart helmet in that sense, but we felt it was worth a mention considering its smart design.
The statistics should serve as a warning. They show that 97% of cycling deaths can be attributed to riders who did not wear a helmet.
Some three years in the making, Diamond looks nothing like a traditional bike helmet. Resembling an ordinary baseball cap its very thin and lightweight. Incredibly, it folds away neatly into a water bottle-sized case that can be stored in a backpack or large handbag.
Diamond’s patented protective material absorbs and dissipates three times more elastic energy than a traditional bike helmet. This means its safer. The gizmo is breathable and washable, and if you get tired of the look the outside skin is replaceable. Most important of all, the helmet complies with U.S. CPSC and EU EN-1078 cycling helmet safety standards.
The campaign which launched a few days ago is doing really well. With a month to go, the relatively modest $50,000 goal has been surpassed nearly 10 times over. There are three sizes to choose from and backers can expect to receive Diamond in the spring.
Price: $79 and up
Funding open:
$436,440 raised out of $50,000 goal
a month left
Estimated delivery: March 2019
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