Image source: Adidas

Adidas shuts down miCoach, goes with Runtastic instead

Adidas bought the digital health & fitness platform Runtastic back in 2015. Since then, the sports giant has been hard at work consolidating its digital products. To this end, the company has revealed it is closing down its own miCoach service, and focusing on Runtastic’s instead.

The decision is not entirely surprising as Runtastic is the more feature rich of the two. Its popularity is evidenced by more than 200 million iPhone and Android downloads, and 100 million registered users. The software allows you to track your running, jogging, walking, cycling and other fitness activities. You can share your sports activities and set exercise goals. Plus, it can be integrated and is compatible with a lot of third-party apps and services.

New users will no longer be able to sign up to miCoach. If you’re an existing user, don’t worry, you still have more than enough time to make the transition. The service will keep going for almost two more years, but as you would expect it will no longer be updated. After December 31st 2018, all the miCoach data will be deleted and no longer accessible.

The Adidas migration service can be found on this link. You’ll still need to sign up to a new Runtastic account, but when you do all your existing workout data will migrate over from miCoach. This includes the following metrics of your workouts: time, distance, duration, calories, pace, avg. pace, heart rate, speed, avg. speed, GPS route, and workout notes.

There are a few incompatibilities of course, and there will be some minor loss of data, but for the most part it should all go smoothly. If you like, you can still keep using the miCoach app even after you’ve migrated, and all your workouts will stay synchronized with Runtastic.

Adidas has made the transition pretty easy. As further incentive to make the change sooner later than later, the company is throwing in a free Premium Runtastic membership.

More information about the switch can be found on the Adidas FAQ page.

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Marko Maslakovic

Marko founded Gadgets & Wearables in 2014, having worked for more than 15 years in the City of London’s financial district. Since then, he has led the company’s charge to become a leading information source on health and fitness gadgets and wearables.

4 thoughts on “Adidas shuts down miCoach, goes with Runtastic instead

  • For any other sports besides running (football for example) there is almost a complete loss of any useful data.
    Runtastic is virtually useless for anything but jogging.

  • The other thing to note is that the software on existing Adidas miCoach Smart Run watches is no longer being updated, so is increasingly starting to fail (e.g. it will no longer sync, so despite the promises it actually DOESN’T work with Runtastic …) so its just a matter of time before everyone that spent hundreds of dollars on these watches has to throw them in the bin. Major turn off for ever buying another adidas product.

  • Totally agree, Andrew. Why buy any similar product that Adidas considers bringing out in any future policy after a let-down like this? Considering the huge outlay that purchasers have made on these products in the few years they’ve been out it’s nothing less than a betrayal of the company’s customer-base.
    Plus, when you consider that they now basically own the entire Runtastic platform, where’s the problem with the uploading of personal data from, say SmartRun, to a Runtastic account: ESPECIALLY considering that we’ll be paying for the latter!
    Poor show, Adidas. Poor show.

  • Adidas, you really Really let us down!


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