invisaWear: smart jewelry that keeps you safe, secure, and connected

PrecisionWEAR: maximise athletic performance with this AI based wearable

Just launched on Indiegogo, invisaWear is smart jewelry that could one day save your life. Stylish wearable technology designed so that help is only a double click away.

In true emergencies, a mobile device may be difficult to reach. This smart jewelry offers a more accessible way to contact friends and family if you feel you are in danger. A push of a button is all it takes to send an alert message containing your exact location. The jewelry can even put you in touch with the nearest police department and provide dispatchers with your medical information and personal profile saving valuable time.

Essential reading: Wearables that keep you safe

Its a relatively simple concept. A small device which houses the brains of the unit is hidden behind everyday items such as necklaces, bracelets, and keychains. The accessories are lightweight and plated in either 14K gold or rhodium. They are also interchangeable which means you can change the look to suit the situation or your mood. The jewelry operates on a coin cell battery which will keep it going for up to a year. 

The accompanying smartphone app is where you setup your personal profile, select emergency contacts, enter your medical information, and enable extra features such as an alarm or auto-contact 911. After that you are set to go. If you are facing a dangerous situation and cannot reach your phone, simply double press the main component to send a text alert. There is also a smart alarm that allows you to play a loud noise to deter an attacker.

“We created invisaWear to give peace of mind to women walking alone back to their cars, aspiring young ladies on college campuses, and anyone who wants to protect themselves and the people they love,” said Rajia Abdelaziz, CEO of invisaWear.

The Bluetooth range of invisaWear is around 30 feet, which means you can send an alert even if your phone is out of reach. The wearable works internationally so you ought to be able to get help from just about anywhere in the world.

Price: $79 and up

Funding open:
$14,454 raised out of $20,000 goal
a month left

Estimated delivery: July 2018

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PrecisionWEAR: maximise athletic performance with this AI based wearable

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Ivan Jovin

Ivan has been a tech journalist for over 7 years now, covering all kinds of technology issues. He is the guy who gets to dive deep into the latest wearable tech news.

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