Calibrex: corrects your form and keeps track of every rep & set

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Lifting weights in the gym is pretty simple. But doing this technically well is not as easy. Calibrex is a gadget that keeps track of your reps and sets and beeps in your ear if your form is off.

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The thing is designed to attach to the end of a barbell using a super strong magnet. It comes in pairs so you are meant to attach it to both sides. From there, Calibrex removes the burden of manually counting reps and spits out recommended rest time.

However the most interesting aspect is its ability correct a weightlifter’s form. Because it sits on both sides of the barbell, it can work out discrepancies in the balance, i.e. if one side is lower than the other. This is done by measuring the distance to the ground at around 100 times per second. The info is then communicated via Bluetooth to provide real-time feedback through your headphones if your form is off.

There is a smartphone app, of course, which offers additional data such as a history of your workouts. More importantly, for each set you’ll get info on barbell velocity or the speed at which you performed the reps. If you’re going too fast it might be time to increase the weight. Working out with too much weight, on the other hand, can cause bad form and injury. The app will let you know if it’s time to adjust the weight.

The pocket-sized sensors weigh 110 grams (3.9 oz), and can keep going for around two weeks between charges. The dimension of a unit is 2 inches in width x 3 inches in height.

Having a personal trainer is all well and good, but the cost does add up. Calibrex may be a cheaper solution.

If you’re into data powered fitness the gadget is available on Indiegogo for two more weeks at a significant discount. The company is about half-way there to raising funds needed for production. Assuming all goes well, delivery to backers will be in April.

Price: $150 and up

Funding open:

$11,649 raised out of $25,000 goal
15 days left

Estimated delivery: April 2020

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Actofit: auto-track your gym workouts

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Dusan Johnson

Dusan is our dedicated sports editor which means he gets to indulge his two passions: writing and gadgets. He never leaves his house without a minimum of two wearable devices to monitor his every move.

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