MELO: a guided meditation device that helps you regulate breathing

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MELO is a guided meditation device that helps you regulate your breathing. And in doing so, it enables you to reduce feelings of stress, worries, negative thoughts and anxiety.

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TheaWellbeing has been working some 2 years on the product before bringing it to Kickstarter. The thing helps you control breathing which helps you feel connected to your body frees your mind, and pushes aside all your worries. Thus, increasing alertness and boosting your immune system.

So how does MELO work?

It’s very simple. Turn the handheld device on and select your breathing pattern. When the light turns on you breathe in, and as the light turns off, you breathe out.

The company suggests you start with a simple 4-4 breathing pattern and slowly breathe your way to the more advanced 4-7-8. Of course, do this at your own pace for the ultimate result. You may choose between the light function or vibrations to set your preferred breathing rhythm.

MELO is compact and portable so you can slip it into your pocket or bag. Simply carry it with you everywhere you go, so as to make sure you always have it on hand. This way, you can deal with those everyday stresses in life, without anyone ever noticing.

The campaign opened less than 24 hours ago but is already half way to meeting its $10,000 goal. A pledge of just over $30 will have a MELO delivered to your doorstep in November.

Price: $32 and up

Funding open:

$4,962 raised out of $10,000 goal
29 days left

Estimated delivery: November 2020

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Ivan Jovin

Ivan has been a tech journalist for over 7 years now, covering all kinds of technology issues. He is the guy who gets to dive deep into the latest wearable tech news.

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