Holoswim 2: the next generation AI swim experience

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AR tech is slowly invading the sport of swimming. It comes in the form of performance-tracking smart goggle displays which are many times more convenient that pausing to check a sports watch. The latest to enter this space is Kickstarter-funded Holoswim.

Mind you, these are not the only AR smart goggles around. FORM Swim Goggles were first to enter this market a couple of years ago. This was followed by FINIS Smart Goggle in early 2021. What sets apart Holoswim 2 is its low price, larger display area and the ability to show incoming calls from a connected phone.

Looking at the images, Holoswim 2 remind more of FORM than FINIS goggles. What you get is a fairly traditional looking set of goggles. The only clue that there is something different about them is the electronic module on one side.

Hong Kong-based startup called Guangli says Holoswim goggles have an OELD holographic display and AR diffractive optical waveguide which show real-time user data in your line of vision. We have tested similar tech and it really has to be tried to appreciate how convenient it is for monitoring your swim performance. Like something from the future. The advantage of these goggles is that they display a 25 Degree FOV in 128 x 64 resolution, offering a better visual experience than the competition.

The stats you see while swimming include distance, time, pace and more. Users can switch between different displays by pressing a physical button on the module. The goggles can also automatically detect the type of your stroke (for breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke and freestyle).

If you purchase a Polar heart rate monitor, it can be linked up to the Googles to show your heart rate in real-time during swimming. Connect the thing to an Apple or Garmin watch, and it can tap into their GPS location signal for open water swim tracking.

Post swim, fire up the accompanying iOS/Android app and you’ll be able to review and dissect your performance in detail on your smartphone. The analysis includes things such as SWOLF and pace per 100m. The app also contains 10 levels of training programs for those interested in that sort of thing, as well as a social aspect.

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All of this sounds very much like the tech we have already seen in FORM Swim Goggles and the FINIS Smart Goggle. However, one feature that these other products lack are smartphone notifications.

Leave your phone by the poolside and Holoswim 2 goggles will alert you to incoming calls. This works via Bluetooth so the functionality kicks in whenever you are in range of 5 meters from the smartphone.

A full charge of the 70mAh Lithium-ion battery should be enough to keep everything going for around 6-7 hours. The goggles are lightweight (70 grams) and come with IPX8 waterproofing (down to 5 meters deep).

The best news is the price. If the specs pique your interest, just $89 is what it costs to get a set delivered to your door-step in October. That is your only expense as the product is not membership-based. There are a number colors to choose from.

It is worth pointing out that the company ran a Kickstarter project last year for the first generation device. But this was cancelled and the money returned to investors because they felt they couldn’t deliver the Goggles according to scheduled times. With chip and energy shortages, coronavirus pandemic – that year was anything but normal. These second generation specs improve on the original with: lighter weight, higher resolution and more features.

As mentioned, there are other options on the market. Check out our reviews of FORM Swim Goggles and FINIS Smart Goggle for more information.

Price: $89 and up

Raised:$36,500 of $6,350 goal

Estimated delivery: October 2022
22 days to go

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Dusan Johnson

Dusan is our dedicated sports editor which means he gets to indulge his two passions: writing and gadgets. He never leaves his house without a minimum of two wearable devices to monitor his every move.

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