Revolar Instinct: a discreet wearable device for your safety
Panic buttons have been around for a while, but its only recently that they have become smaller and more discreet.
Having such a gadget may just give you peace of mind the next time you are coming back from a late night out. While it may not protect you from an attack, it can potentially give you the ability to notify your friends and family at a touch of a button.
While safety wearables are mostly marketed towards women, some of them are unisex in design so could be used by men. One such device is Revolar Instinct. Still in beta-testing stage, a campaign an Indiegogo has kicked off today to bring this new device to market.
Essential reading: Wearables that keep you safe
Dubbed Revolar Instinct, the little gadget sends an SMS with your location and a customized message, by connecting to the accompanying smartphone app through Bluetooth. You can choose up to 5 friends and family members as your contacts, and you’ll never pay a monthly fee to alert them. Plus, the device will work all over the world — anywhere your smartphone has cell coverage or WiFi.
There are three types of alerts you can send. One press indicates a ‘Check-in’, two presses a ‘Yellow Alert’ (asks for back-up) and three or more pressed a ‘Red Alert’ (signals an emergency). That means your safety network will instantly know where you are and the seriousness of the situation. Also, it’s easy to customize which of your contacts receives each of these types of communications.
Additional features include step-tracking, haptic feedback (know when alerts are sent and opened through silent vibrations, “Find My Revolar” and more.
“We created Revolar to revolutionize the way you protect yourself and the ones you love,” says Co-founder and CEO Jacqueline Ros.
“We interviewed hundreds of survivors and what we heard again and again was, ‘I knew something was wrong, but I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t call 911 because of a bad feeling.’ We designed Revolar to end the stigma around asking for help.”
Revolar Instinct can be clipped discretely under your clothing or you can choose to attach it to your keychain. It stays powered for up to a year on a simple, easy-to-replace battery.
Price: $59 and up
Funding open:
$2,287 pledged of $50,000 goal
a month left
Estimated delivery: May 2017
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