FitSmoke: the smart cigarette pack that helps you quit smoking

It’s almost new year, which means many people will attempt to go into 2018 with healthier versions of their 2017 selves. If you’re one of the nearly 7 in 10 US smokers who want to quit, perhaps this is the time to bite the bullet. To make the job a little bit easier, a new gadget has recently launched on Kickstarter. FitSmoke is a smart cigarette packet that will help you to track, reduce and quit smoking.
Essential reading: Top fitness trackers and health gadgets
The way it works is simple. Set your profile in the accompanying smartphone app, type in the number of cigarettes smoked per day, schedule the time period in which you want to quit and let FitSmoke take care of the rest. The smart pack, which can be filled up with 20 cigarettes, will then dish out the scheduled number of cigarettes with push notifications at the appointed hour. You can then choose to smoke the cigarette, or delay for a later time.
If you’re feeling the itch or stress is pushing you to reach for that cigarette, press the emergency button and choose between playing a funny game to get your mind off the craving, or cave in and get a cigarette. The aim of the device is to slowly weed you off smoking, essentially a personal trainer to help you control your smoking addiction.
The accompanying smartphone app lets you keep tabs on your smoking habits and see all the money you are saving from kicking the unhealthy habit. It also connects you to a social community for support and boasting rights.
This is definitely a novel idea and an interesting way of using technology to help you lead a healthier life. With just over €1,500 raised, the campaign still has a long way to go to reaching its €35,000 goal.
Price: €39 and up
Funding open:
€1,538 raised out of €35,000 goal
20 days to go
Estimated delivery: March 2018
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