LogicInk: the day tattoo that tracks UV levels and more

Rayo: a bicycle tail-light designed for the modern cyclist

Wearable technology continues to get smaller and more powerful as time passes. Tiny computers have infiltrated almost all aspects of our lives. This is a trend that will only continue to gather pace in the coming years.

It seems like everyone has tattoos nowadays. The reasons are predominantly about the idea that they allow you to feel unique as an individual. But what is your tattoo could have other uses, beyond individual self-expression?

LogicInk is a programmable ‘tattoo’ that informs you about your body and integrates seamlessly into your life. Applied like a temporary tattoo, LogicInk senses from your sweat, skin volatiles, skin microbiome or surrounding environment to provide live feedback.

The tattoos provide at-a-glance information, thus eliminating the need for smartphones or other bulky electronic devices. And they look great and are highly customisable while doing this. The UV tracking tattoo, for example, changes colour from white to dark pink, depending on how much sun exposure you’re receiving. It takes into account sun-block, too. For more detailed information, head over to the mobile app that keeps tabs on your historical data.

So what else can you use it for?

Well, this is where the Kickstarter campaign comes in. In addition to the UV tracking tattoo that is already in production and set to land in November, the company is now working on developing other sensors. This includes those that will show exposure to pollution, hydration, blood alcohol concentration and more. The Kickstarter campaign has been launched to allow the company to ramp up production on these.

Price: $14 and up

Funding open:

$13,924 raised out of $25000 goal
38 days to go

Estimated delivery: November 2018

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Rayo: a bicycle tail-light designed for the modern cyclist

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Ivan Jovin

Ivan has been a tech journalist for over 7 years now, covering all kinds of technology issues. He is the guy who gets to dive deep into the latest wearable tech news.

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