Image source: Amazfit

Amazfit Stratos firmware update solves GPS and heart rate problems

Participants of the Amazfit Stratos beta platform have received firmware for testing. The new update fixes GPS accuracy and heart rate tracking issues.

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The info first appeared in Amazfit’s dedicated Facebook group.  The software update tackles a few issues that appeared after the 2.3 .9.0 and updates.

One of these is to do with the GPS sensor. It will now be quicker to tap into the satellite signal as multiple users have voiced complaints on slow connection speeds. The sensor should also churn out more precise distance tracking data.

The other fix is to do with the heart rate sensor. The update optimises its algorithm to improve accuracy at high intensity activities.

It is not yet clear the update fixes issues with short battery life or if it will bring other features.

Firmware for Amazfit Stratos is only available only to beta testers for now. If you are interested in getting early updates, information on how to participate can be found on this link.

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Ivan Jovin

Ivan has been a tech journalist for over 7 years now, covering all kinds of technology issues. He is the guy who gets to dive deep into the latest wearable tech news.

15 thoughts on “Amazfit Stratos firmware update solves GPS and heart rate problems

  • Nice watch but low firmware quality…

    • Is true….my GPS is Crazy!

  • There is no worser sport watch than Stratos. Lot of firmware bug and unusable results!

  • Nice watch, but unusable as sport watch. Does not have lap time live running. It just shows a static previous lap time. No way to see where you are on the lap.

  • Unfortunately it not solves GPS problems.. older version like is a lot faster fixes GPS.

  • Since latest update, my gps is now completely fubared as it only measures a third of my usual run route. Also, step count is no longer working. Nice job, guys!

  • After de update, my gps stops recording when he wants., or doesn’t record at all, or doesn’t save the map. Also changes distances.. Shows 7km and after stop and save i get 8 km.. I like the watch but gps is realy bad now.

  • Several days ago watch’s (Amazefit stratos 2) battery fully discharged and I could not get direct and related GPS data such as pace, distance, maps view etc. Hope failure is arising from software and updates.

  • It is not usable for sports

  • This firmware solves nothing. It is even worser with GPS tracking quality.

  • With the firmware the gps accuracty is very bad, and i cant even say what I was using before when the results seemed ok!

  • gps is uselsess. Fails after the first few uses.

  • GPS is worst after upgrading, cannot detect even in open area. Now I cannot update HR Zone data also.

  • GPS is very bad. For me it shows a much higher amount of distance travelled. If I zoom in on the route after saving, it shows the rounding route as a zig zag

  • I bought Stratos 3 in 2021. GPS is fine, but heart rate monitoring stucks.


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