Airdog X4: the most advanced air purifier with washable filters

With most of our time spent indoors, making sure the air in your home or office is fresh and clean is important. Most people don’t know that the air they breathe indoors can be up to five times worse than outdoors.
There is an increasing range of connected devices that allow you to monitor and clean the air in your home. Many of these, however, require you to purchase air filters at regular intervals which can become quite costly. Luckily there are other options. A device called Airdog X5, successfully funded on Indiegogo a few months ago, doesn’t rely on disposable (HEPA filters). Its also eco-friendly, high-performance and whisper quiet.
Essential reading: Improve the air in the home with these gadgets
The company behind the gadget claims their technology cleans particles down to 14.6-nanometers. For reference, most allergens and viruses are 30-nanometers. This means the purifier is capable of removing 99.99% of bacteria, formaldehyde and other harmful elements from air.
Using it couldn’t be easier. It initiates at the push of a button, and auto-adjusts to different modes based on your room’s air quality level. Its quick as well and can apparently clean a 300 square foot room in 20 minutes. A real-time display keeps you updated on your air quality level, so you can turn Airdog on and watch as your pollution drops. Best of all, when its time to deal with a dirty filter, just pop Airdog X5’s reusable filter in a dishwasher, or rinse by hand.
There is also an accompanying app. This allows you to remotely track your Airdog X5 and see how the air quality in your home or office stacks up against the air outdoors.
Airdog X4 was successfully funded on Indiegogo in March, and is one of those rare crowdfunded products that actually shipped on time. Its too late to contribute now, but the product already has a listing on Amazon.
Price: $399 and up
Funding open:
1537% funded on March 6, 2017
Estimated delivery: May 2017
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