Smart Cambridge Mask: take clean air to the next level
Cambridge Smart Mask allows you to follow air quality in your city in real-time, and protect yourself from pollution. This is a wearable that may be of interest for cyclists, urban residents, allergy sufferers or for that matter anyone worried about polluted air.
According to the World Health Organisation urban air pollution is on the rise. Latest statistics show that more than 80% of city residents around the globe are exposed to high particulate pollution levels. The situation is bad in developed countries, but its even worse in developing countries. Poor air quality can lead to loss of lung capacity and an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and possibly cancer.
Essential reading: Improve the air in the home with these gadgets
Cambridge Mask Co already sells an anti-pollution mask on Amazon. The British based company is, however, taking it a step further now by making the garment intelligent.
Both the regular and smart versions of the mask are made of high quality materials. They use a unique triple layer military grade filtration system that filters out nearly 100% of particulate pollution. This includes diesel emissions, gas pollution like petrol fumes and pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. The intelligent bit is the new smart valve which has a Bluetooth chip in it to transmit information on your breathing patterns to the accompanying smartphone app.
With the app, you can check ambient air quality using a mix of open source and government data. Using your personal information, the app calculates lung capacity and cross references this with your breathing patterns. It then uses this data to let you know when you should wear the mask, and when its time to change the filter.
The pollution mask comes in a number of different sizes and is suitable adults and children. To take advantage of the 30% pre-launch discount, head over to Kickstarter.
Price:£25 and up
Funding open:
£18,422 pledged of £25,000 goal
14 days left
Estimated delivery: August 2017
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