Image source: Huami

Amazfit GTS and GTR get PAI, a heart-rate derived indicator of daily activity

Amazfit GTS and GTR get PAI, a heart-rate derived indicator of daily activityThe latest software update for Amazfit GTS and GTR slaps on PAI. This is a value that replaces step count with a heart-rate derived indicator of daily activity.

Essential readingTop fitness trackers and health gadgets

In July last year, PAI Health entered into a partnership with Chinese tech-giant Huami. The Vancouver-based outfit previously changed its name from Mio Global.

Those with a long-term interest in this topic will know of Mio. It was one of the pioneers in the wearables space. Its fitness trackers distinguished themselves from the competition by boasting highly accurate wrist heart rate measurements.

Ultimately, the company decided to focus primarily on outsourcing its Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI) index software. This takes a new approach to measuring physical activity based on heart rate and not step count.

As part of the Huami partnership, we are now seeing the PAI functionality added to Amazfit GTS and GTR. This was a feature that was announced at launch, but is only now being made available. A new firmware update slaps on the ability of the watches to calculate PAI.

In order to access the functionality, you will need to switch on continuous heart rate tracking via the smartphone app. If you’ve already done this you’re fine. If not, the app dashboard will prompt you to do so.

PAI works by using a new approach to measuring physical activity based on your heart rate. So instead of focusing on the “10,000 steps” rule, you are meant to keep the PAI Index above 100. All this is backed by science, too. In fact it is validated by one of the largest health studies ever conducted in history.

As mentioned, you are able to view your PAI score both in the smartphone app and on the watch itself. The app shows an overall daily score, and two charts. This first is a weekly trend, the second breaks your PAI score for the day into Low/Moderate/Intensive.

This certainly sounds like a useful addition to the Amazfit GTS and GTR lineup. The two are pretty solid fitness devices although they are suffering from some teething problems such as GPS connectivity and accuracy. Hopefully these will be resolved in time through additional firmware updates.

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Ivan Jovin

Ivan has been a tech journalist for over 7 years now, covering all kinds of technology issues. He is the guy who gets to dive deep into the latest wearable tech news.

2 thoughts on “Amazfit GTS and GTR get PAI, a heart-rate derived indicator of daily activity

  • PAI function is not reliable. I had yesterday 110 score. Today morning it was suddenly zero. This should not happen overnight, it should decrease gradually, if you don’t exercise. In addition, the GPS function in Amazfit GTR is useless. It simply doesn’t work. Xiaomi’s support for this watch is close to zero. I have sent tens of emails to support, but received zero answer.

  • My Pai score increases even i m sleeping ?what are causes


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