Tommy Hilfiger launches a line of smart clothing that rewards you for wearing it

This week Tommy Hilfiger introduced Tommy Jeans Xplore, clothing embedded with smart-chip technology that offers consumers rewards for each wear.
A great way of integrating wearable technology into our every-day lives is through fabric that covers the body. After all, connected tech is at its best when it is inconspicuous. Smart clothes are items you would have worn anyway, only more intelligent. Which means no extra effort or adjustments to your daily routine.
To this end, Tommy Hilfiger has launched a range of clothing items and accessories that come fitted with Awear Solutions’ smart tags. If you’re thinking these garments will track your heart rate or the number of calories burned, you’re wrong. Instead, the items keep tabs on how often you wear them and where you go with them on. This is communicated via Bluetooth to an accompanying smartphone app.
“Awear’s smart tag enables active, personalized engagement in real time, rewarding the consumer on product usage,” said Liron Slonimsky, chief executive officer and founder of Awear Solutions.
“Never before has a brand been able to understand how the consumer truly uses the product after it leaves the store. Tommy Hilfiger’s innovative history has shown that they understand what consumer engagement truly is and we knew they would be the perfect partner to launch Awear Solutions to the market.”
In essence, Tommy Hilfiger wants to create a “micro-community of brand ambassadors”. Or put more simply, the company is providing incentives to get you to exclusively wear their clothing.
You are awarded points whenever you wear one of the items. Furthermore, the app encourages wearers to collect virtual hearts based on their real-world locations, functioning similar to a Pokémon Go game. The virtual points can be exchanged for real-world gift cards, product discounts, signed merchandise, tickets to fashion shows and more.
“We’ve always been at the forefront of digital innovation, using technology to deliver what are customers are looking for – unique experiences and instant gratification,” said Tommy Hilfiger.
“Tommy Jeans Xplore is the next evolution of our vision, reaching consumers where they are and inviting them to be a part of the brand experience.”

The collection consists of 23 items in a variety of colors. There are both men and women’s hoodies, jeans, T-shirts, crowned sweatshirts, denim style jeans and jackets, along with a few other selections. Unisex accessories include a cross-body bag, backpack, weekender and a hat. Prices are not all too different from the ‘dumb’ line, ranging from $29 for a baseball cap to $139 for the denim jacket.
Its clear the smart chips will provide the brand with an unprecedented level of information on customers. To alleviate privacy concerns, Tommy Hilfiger says the smart tags are encrypted and can be turned off at any time. You can delete data as well.
For now the Tommy Jeans Xplore range is only available in the US. It can be picked up on and at the New York flagship on Fifth Avenue.
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